My Daughter is Screaming
My two-year-old daughter is screaming. My husband is outside making bookshelves and I am on the computer and my daughter is screaming. She just started doing this a few days ago. She just screams unintelligable words. She's not upset; she may be a little bored, though. My mother says she is doing it to hear her own voice. Maybe she is.
We work from home, my husband and I. We know it's the best thing for our family. We get to spend lots of time together, and take frequent breaks to play with our daughter. It's like the old, old, old days, when everyone worked from home because there were really no such thing as jobs, at least the way we know them today. The exception is that we are not tending our animals and spinning thread for clothes, we're on the computer. Time is, indeed, circular.
My daughter is still screaming, although she is now outside with my husband. She is screaming at the dog.
We work from home, my husband and I. We know it's the best thing for our family. We get to spend lots of time together, and take frequent breaks to play with our daughter. It's like the old, old, old days, when everyone worked from home because there were really no such thing as jobs, at least the way we know them today. The exception is that we are not tending our animals and spinning thread for clothes, we're on the computer. Time is, indeed, circular.
My daughter is still screaming, although she is now outside with my husband. She is screaming at the dog.
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